Simran is a tool for the mind. It is done using a mantar – a simple phrase you repeat out loud and rhythmically. You can use any two-syllable phrase like “live truth” as long as the phrase doesn’t invoke thoughts. A gurmantar is a tool given by a spiritual Guru for the same purpose. For Sikhs this mantar comes from the ten Sikh Gurus; we use WaheGuru as our gurmantar.
When we do simran, we chant the gurmantar and listen to the sound. When the mind focuses on the sound and not its thoughts, thoughts get reduced and peace and calm come to the mind. In this way anxiety, stress, and other pains the mind experiences get reduced.
Start the change process
Here are three steps to consider when you’re ready.
- Come to the weekly sessions. you can find one in your city by clicking Simran in Your City –
- Do Simran.
- Be consistent.
Weekly Sessions
Weekly Simran sessions are held all over in North American cities. Join in for FREE sessions by contacting the local Volunteer in your city or by clicking the link above. Joining is the first step towards learning how to use this tool for the mind to get rid of anxiety, stress, depression and live a healthy and a happy life knowing you have achieved something very unique in your life.
After you have learned how to use this tool by attending the sessions, take some time to think about the areas that you would like to improve or execute on. This will become much more clear when your mind is in a calm state.
Do Simran
Simran, is the process of being aware of our thoughts. When we do enough Simran, we’re then able to pick the thoughts that we want to take, and then we’re able to tune out the thoughts that don’t serve us.
ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੈ ਸਿਮਰਨਿ ਮਨ ਕੀ ਮਲੁ ਜਾਇ ॥
In the remembrance of God, the filth of the mind is removed.
Write down the amount of Simran you do in a day and how it is helping you in your life. Revisit that list on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. According to, this is why it’s important to write things down: Neuroscience Explains Why You Need To Write Down Your Goals.
Be Consistent
If we’re not consistent with ourselves, then who will be? In order to focus the mind and get rid of anxiety and other diseases of the mind, we need to keep on doing the Simran until we see the results. Remember consistency is the key.
If you’re able to consistently practice what you have learned each day, that will eventually build up to become habitual. Just don’t give up. Keep moving forward. Studies show that it can take longer than the typical 21 days to change a habit: Stop Expecting to Change Your Habit in 21 Days.
Changing your emotional, attitudinal or behavioral habits that have been forged over the years will take time, but it’s possible. Be sure to to go to the sessions where the speakers and the congregation will motivate you to keep doing Simran.
Remember that learning doesn’t bring change, practicing what you have learned does!